Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Faith Baptist Church

Pastor Mark Smith
Tacoma, Washington

On Monday and Tuesday, we were able to assist the printing ministry of the Faith Baptist Church by sorting many signatures of Scriptures. These will be collated and bound into 50,000 New Testaments to be shipped across the world.


Nelson J. Meadors said...

Yea! I am glad that you were able to see my home church. It is the best so you were privileged. I guess we shall meet again soon if the Lord is willing.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I bet you guys met my sister-in-law, Stephani! She's Pastor Mark's oldest daughter. Glad you guys made it out there!
Praying for you all,
Mandie Giles

Southwesttrio said...

Hope you guys continue to have a wonderful rest of the summer. We pray for your group before every one of our meetings. School is almost here! I look forward to hearing how the Lord has worked! Take care.
